Myth: All kidney diseases are incurable

Fact: Most kidney diseases are curable with timely treatment. Some kidney diseases are irreversible and progressive (progress towards end-stage renal failure), but this progression can be slowed down if the disease is detected and treated early and appropriately.

Myth: There’s nothing you can do about getting Kidney Disease

Fact: Most cases of kidney disease could be prevented.

Diabetes & High Blood Pressure cause nearly three-fourths of all cases of kidney failure. Keeping those conditions under control can help you prevent Kidney Disease

Myth: Kidney Stones cause kidney disease

Fact: Kidney stones rarely cause kidney damage.

1 in 10 people will have a kidney stone, yet the great majority will never develop kidney disease. Kidney stones are rarely left untreated because they are so painful. Help prevent kidney stones by drinking plenty of water every day.

Myth: I feel fine, so I don’t need to continue with treatment

Fact: Many patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) feel very well with proper therapy, and so they may discontinue medications/treatment. Discontinuation of therapy in CKD can be dangerous., as it can lead to rapid worsening of kidney function leading to an earlier requirement for initiation of dialysis/kidney transplantation.

 Myth: Kidney Transplant cannot happen before dialysis

Fact: Pre-emptive transplantation refers to kidney transplantation before a patient needs to start dialysis therapy. Patients who get a pre-emptive transplant receive their kidney when their health is generally good, which can improve new kidney function and enhance overall health and life expectancy.

Myth: No one knows what causes kidney disease.

Fact: The two most common causes of kidney disease are diabetes and high blood pressure. Both can harm your kidneys by causing damage to the tiny blood vessels in your kidneys. Many other conditions can harm the kidneys.