It could do a lot of good to connect with people who are dealing with similar problems. If you’re going through dialysis or chronic kidney disease (CKD), it might actually help to talk to others who are battling similar conditions. The idea of connecting with individuals of like circumstance, venting, sharing information, exchanging ideas, getting advice and providing support can be somewhat therapeutic.

These days, with the advent of the web and internet, it is possible to find support groups in different places via a number of sources. In that regard, the online media represents a good place to find support groups and connect with others. There exist a number of discussion forums and email lists that have set their sights on bringing people together, people who share a common interest. Amongst the myriad of websites, discussion forums, blogs, and email lists through which one can get help, here are proven ways one can find local dialysis support groups.

  • You Can Search Online For Dialysis Support Groups In Your Locale

You can find just about anything on the web. With the internet these days, virtually everything is just a click away. And leveraging the resources available via online media is often a good place to start when searching out dialysis support groups. There are several websites and blogs dedicated to connecting people and providing support and you can find a good number of them on the web.

Good examples exist in the form of Discussion Forums and Support Groups. Such forums offer a platform for people with CKD and undergoing dialysis (whether at home or at a center), including family members and friends, to connect and discuss topics online. Topics typically revolve around such aspects as sharing experiences, diet Q & A with dieticians, working and/or traveling while on dialysis, and a host of other matters.

There are also platforms that include the option of joining or creating groups and utilizing the online resource with a view to managing and understanding the intricacies of kidney health. Forums of this nature are generally easily to join as registration is free for willing participants.

  • Other Resources To Find Support

A number of national, nonprofit organizations have dedicated websites which are committed to empowering and supporting those managing various forms of kidney diseases. Few of such organizations include; National Kidney Foundation (NKF), Renal Support Network (RSN), Dialysis Patient Citizens (DPC), American Association of Kidney Patients (AAKP), and the Kidney & Urology Foundation of America (KUFA).

  • How To Get In Touch With In-Person Support Groups In Your Area

Information on existing support groups can be readily obtained from Renal Social Workers who are always on hand to offer guidance and support. It may be prove a tad more difficult to find a support group if you’re not on dialysis or dialyzing at home, though.

You can also be pointed in the right direction by medical personnel. Doctors are good sources of information when it comes to finding support groups in your area and speaking to one might just get you hooked up.

Another way to go about this is by making inquiries at local dialysis centers (even if you’re not on dialysis). The social workers at these centers can connect you with reputable local support groups that they know of and can vouch for.