Located in the heart of City of Duarte, Duarte Monrovia Dialysis Center (DMD) has helped thousands of dialysis patients in Southern California.
Duarte Monrovia Dialysis Center has comprehensive solutions for people living with Chronic Kidney Disease and associated conditions.
Our outstanding multidisciplinary team in collaboration with award winning physicians work diligently to improve the quality of life of every dialysis patient on a daily basis.
The doctors and staff of DMD are committed to positively transforming the health and safety of their patients through research, evidence based practice, health care innovations and providing patient care in a compassionate environment.
Duarte Monrovia Dialysis Center functions under the direct supervision of Dr. Amna Rizvi.
Patients are our priority; we are dedicated to provide safe and effective patient-centered care for all our patients.
Duarte Monrovia Dialysis Center provides In-Center & Home Hemodialysis, as well as Peritoneal Dialysis. DMD also provides a dedicated isolated Covid shift for patients diagnosed with Covid-19.
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Vestibulum imperdiet vestibulum laoreet. Integer elementum euismod ante sit amet elementum.
Mauris commodo lacinia nisi a fermentum. Donec risus magna, fringilla laoreet ullamcorper in, lobortis semper enim.
Donec libero dui, dapibus non leo et, molestie faucibus risus. In fermentum tortor et posuere laoreet.
Pellentesque sagittis neque neque, ac ultrices neque tempor a. In . tellus sollicitudin eu.
Donec porta tellus ac purus eleifend faucibus sit amet eu eros. Donec cursus laoreet felis, a cursus erat finibus sed.