A Message about COVID-19
California Kidney Specialists is dedicated to your health & safety and is taking the following steps & precautions:
- Masks are required of all patients, staff, and physicians
- Signs will be posted at entrances of all facilities, asking patients NOT to enter if they are experiencing any cold-like symptoms (cough/fever/sore throat/runny nose)
- Upon arrival into the office, a temperature scan and screening questions will be asked
- Do NOT come into the office if you have cold-like symptoms (cough/fever/sore throat/runny nose) or have recently traveled long distance in close proximity to passengers
- Please call the office to reschedule your appointment or request a video visit with your doctor
- Staff members who have symptoms are asked NOT to come to work and self-quarantine
- Waiting rooms and exam rooms will be disinfected per CDC guidelines.
- Number of patients in waiting areas will be limited & office staff are instructed on strict hand hygiene and wearing face masks when applicable.
- Family members and friends are asked NOT to come to appointments unless absolutely necessary.
- If you are not contacted to reschedule and do not have any symptoms, come in as scheduled.
- CKS will continue providing top quality healthcare that you are used to
If you are experiencing cold-like symptoms AND shortness of breath OR are acutely ill, please go to the emergency room at your local hospital.

Please visit https://covid19.lacounty.gov/ for information regarding Covid-19 Testing and Vaccine information.
Visit www.cdc.gov for more information regarding Covid-19.